The power of open source never fails to amaze me. Every time they come up with something unthinkable. This type is one of the best.
I am running Windows XP "inside" my Ubuntu 8.10 and it is running smooth. All I did was to use Sun Microsystem's VirtualBox. It emulated my pc as a new system for XP which i easily installed in one of virtual drives without any partitions or other hassles. You only have to define the amount of space and memory it can use, and then in just a click of a button, one OS is running inside other OS.Now, i can do all the windows stuff without having to quit linux. Deletion of OS is also just one click away. Hats off to Sun for creating this fantastic piece of software.

Keep looking for more of techno-miracles and achievements.

Diet Coke + Mentos= Kaboom!!!

Yes, this is true. Try having some mentos with diet coke and soon things around you will be exploding out. When two or three mentos pills are inserted in a Diet coke bottle, bubbles start forming and whoosh!!, the liquid ejects out high. Your own liqui-rocket .Starting from an curious college time experiment , it soon turned out be a major Viral Video. Try searching youtube for it.
So what you are waiting for?? Make your own water(??) jet.

Note: this trick only works for mint flavored mentos and not fruit-falvored ones.

Detailed explanation can be seen at wikipedia.


Also, try same thing with Sprite and Pepsi....
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