Misery ends...game is done..Tic tac toe is up and running

Finally , after long sessions of coding, debugging , again coding again debugging and lots and lots of frustration, the code ends today at 200 hours in morning.
It went through a lot of troubles, revamps, version changes and above all blunders. Code debugged by me was overwritten by haritosh (as he took the earlier version and saved it over mine). The problems of coding a Turbo C++ code in linux with a cranky DOS emulator like DosBox just added to the trouble. But it finally paid off. The code is done, the AI is working perfectly.
Now, the next thing in my mind is to port it to GUI to make a proper graphical game even for lamers.

So, work begins from now.

here's the source code. Its of roughly 212 lines compared to other scripts we found on net which had more than 700 lines but AI was very poor or wasn't there at all.

All I can say that a good start by me towards serious level of software programming.


PS:here it is shown of 450 lines because of useless space introduced by the site.


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